Natural History of the South Eastern Avalon

Renews to St. Vincents's

Jeff Harrison, Trepassey and Montreal

Marine Mammal Checklist

__ Beluga (R)

__ Killer Whale (VU)

__ Atlantic White-sided Dolphin (VU)

__ Long-finned Pilot Whale (R)

__ White-beaked Dolphin (VU)

__ Harbour Porpoise (U)

__ Fin Whale (U)

__ Minke Whale (C)

__ Humpback Whale (C)

__ Northern Right Whale (R)

__ Harbour Seal (C)

__ Grey Seal (C)

__ Harp Seal* (R)

__ Hooded Seal* (R)

The relative rarity of marine mammals is relevant to the period from mid-May to mid-October. During the late fall, winter and spring most species are rarely seen

*Harp and Hooded Seals breed on the ice off the Northern Peninsula in early spring. Some years single animals disperse to the southern shore in late spring and early summer


C = Common: expect to see if one seeks them out in suitable habitat

U = Uncommon: occasionally found when one seeks them out in suitable habitat

VU = Very Uncommon: recorded some years in suitable habitat

R = Rare: Unlikely to be seen; few records