Natural History of the South Eastern Avalon

Renews to St. Vincents's

Jeff Harrison, Trepassey and Montreal

Butterfly Flying Chart
Species April May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov
European Skipper (VU)
Short-tailed Swallowtail (C)
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (C)
Mustard White (R)
Cabbage White* (VU)
Clouded Sulphur (VU)
Pink-edged Sulphur (C)
Bog Copper (C)
Spring (Lucia) Azure (C)
Northern Blue (C)
Arctic Blue (U)
Atlantis Fritillary* (C)
Northern Crescent (U)
Question Mark+ (I/R)
Green Comma (U)
Mourning Cloak (VU)
Milbert's (Viola) Tortoiseshell (VU)
American Lady (I/U-C)
Painted Lady (I/U-C)
Red Admiral (I-U-VC)
White Admiral (VU)
Inordinate (McIssac's) Ringlet (C)
Monarch+ (I/VU-U)
C = Common; to be expected
U = Uncommon; a few noted each year
VU = Very Uncommon; recorded some years
R = Rare; few records
I = Irruptive variable from year to year